
The concept of metaverse, a world that parallels the real world, was originated from the novel Snow Crash written by American science fiction writer Neal Stephenson. Metaverse takes advantage of technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet (Internet) to enable players to project their own network avatars in parallel worlds under the support of various digital technologies.

The concept of a metaverse has been popularized in science fiction literature and films, but it is also being explored as a potential future application of blockchain technology and virtual reality.

Metaverse represents all the functions of Web3, which are: extremely immersive experience + rich ecology + over-timeliness social system + economic system of virtual and real interaction.

In the sector, the features of metaverse are concluded as follows:

Sociality: Metaverse can break through the limitations of physical space and time. It not only forms an alternative to offline relationships, but also based on the identification of the virtual environment and its existence. In addition, it will also bring about major changes to the mainstream social model.

User-generated Content: To a large extent, metaverse will be driven by creators and enriched by content and experience created or enhanced by users themselves.

Ecological System: Metaverse will be a real-time and non-stop economic activity which parallels reality and will enrich itself continuously: Those digital worlds will have a fully functional economic system based on cryptocurrencies and provide transactions, investments and real ownership; anyone can create, trade, and be able to "work" to get rewards, forming an economic and cultural prosperity similar to real life.

Immersive experience: Users will be able to seamlessly jump between virtual worlds, bringing personal items from one world to another. Based on VR and AR technologies, the breakthrough in the realism of metaverse projects will bring a qualitative improvement to users’ immersive experience.

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